Monday, February 20, 2012

1. he chandra-chooòa mada-naantaka shoola paaëe,
sthaaëo gireesha girijesha mahesha shambho |
bhootesha bheeta-bhaya-soodana maama-naatham,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
2. he paarvatee hridaya-vallabha-chandra-maule,
bhootaa-dhipa pramatha-naatha gireesha-jaapa |
he vaama-deva bhava rudra pinaaka-paaëe,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
3. he neela-kaëöha vriñha-bhadhvaja pancha-vaktra,
lokesha sheñha-valaya pramathesha sharva |
he dhoorjaöe pashupate girijaa-pate maam,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
4. he vishva-naatha shiva-shaìkara devadeva,
gaìgaa-dhara pramatha-naayaka nandi-kesha |
baaëeshva-raandha-karipo hara lokanaatha,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
5. vaaraaëasee-purapate maëi-karëi-kesha,
veeresha daksha-makha-kaala vibho ganesha |
sarvagya sarva-hridayaika-nivaasa naatha,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
6. shree manmaheshvara kripaamaya he dayaalo,
he vyoma-kesha shiti-kaëöha gaëaadhi-naatha |
basmaaìga-raaga nrika-paalaka-laapa-maala,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
7. kailaasa-shaila-vinivaasa vriñhaaka-pe he,
mrityunjaya trinayana trija-ganni-vaasa |
naaraayaëa-priya madaa-paha shakti-naatha,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||
8. vishvesha vishva-bhaya-naashaka vishva-roopa,
vishvaatmaka tribhuvanaika-guëaadhi-vaasa |
he vishva-naatha karuëaa-maya deena-bandho,
samsaara-duhkha-gahanaaj-jagadeesha raksha ||


Garland of Names of Shiv

O Shambhu, the one, Who has the moon on crest, Who is the destroyer of Madan (Kamdev), Who holds a trident in His hand, Who is static, Who is revered by the mountain king Himalaya, Who is the Lord of Girija (Parvati), Who is the supreme Lord, Who is the Lord of everything living, and Who destroys the fears of the bereaved! O Lord of the universe! Save me, the orphan out in this world, from the dense miseries of this world.||1||
O Rudra, the one, Who is dear to Parvati, Who has moon on the forehead, Who is the leader of ghosts, Who is the Lord of tormentors, Who is consistently chanted by Himalaya, Who is Vamdev (a form of Shiv), Who is destroyer of the universe (during dooms time), and Who holds the Pinaka! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||2||
O Pashupati, the one, Who has a blue throat (due to poison), Who has a flag with a bull sign, Who has five-mouths in one of the forms, Who is the Lord of the world, Who wears a bracelet of snake¹, Who is the leader of tormentors, Who is Sharva (name of Rudra), Who has locks of tresses, Who is the consort of daughter of Giri (Parvati)! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||3||
O Shiv, the one, Who is the Lord of this world, Who is Shankar, Who is revered by demi-gods, Who has the river Ganges flowing in His tresses, Who is the leader of tormentors, Who is the Lord of Nandi and Banasur, Who is the enemy of Andhakasur, Who is known as Har, and Who is Lord of every world! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||4||
O King of Varanasi! O Lord of Manikarnika²! O Superior to every warrior! O destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha! O Vibhu! O Lord of Gana³! O the all knowing One! O the dweller inside everyone's heart (i.e. like a soul)! O Lord! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||5||
O the honorary One! O Benevolent! O Merciful! O the one Whose hairs are like the sky (perhaps sprawling in all direction)! O blue throated One! O Supreme leader of Gana! O the one Who uses ashes as body decor! O the one Who wears a tied together garland of skulls! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||6||
O the one Who lives on Mountain Kailas! O Vrishakapi (one of the eleven Rudra, i.e., destroyer)! O Destroyer of death! O the one Who has three-eyes! O the one Who pervades in all the three worlds! O Dear to Narayan (Vishnu)! O Destroyer of pride! O Lord of Shakti (Parvati)! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||7||
O Lord of the world! O destroyer of the cycle of birth and death! O all pervading One! O Soul of everyone! O the one Who is the storehouse of all qualities! O Lord of the world! O the one Who is filled with compassion! O Helper of the weak! O Lord of the universe! Save me from the dense miseries of this world.||8||
Salutes for Shiv, Who is the happiness and exuberance of Gauri (Parvati), Who is Maheshvar, Who has five-heads (in one special form among many), Who is like a Kalp-tree for refugee, Who is Sharva, Who is the Lord of this Universe, and Who is destroyer of unhappiness and poverty.||9||
¹ Sheshavalaya is a compound with Shesha and Valaya. The meaning of Valaya is clear and therefore, from the many descriptions of Shiv, it is inferred that Shesha is a snake.
²The story of Manikarnika appears in the Shiv Puran.
³Shiv is associated with Gana which consists of destroyers, tormentors, flesh eaters, singers, hemp-consumers, dancers, bearing only head, bearing only body, bearing skull, bearing skull garlands, etc.
Poet: Adi Shankara

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